Monday, October 6, 2008

Dbacks w/ The Girlies

A PiCtuRe SaYs a ThoUsAnD WoRdS......
We LaUgHed sO HaRd I tHinK wE KiLleD SoMe BraIn CelLs...
RaNda aNd I tRiEd tO tEaCh LaUreN hOw 2 mAkE a FiShY fAcE. ThIs Is aS FaR aS wE GoT. :) I tHinK iT's PrEtTy GoOd!

We SaNg OuR HeArtS oUt dUriNg tHe FirEwoRks. I'm sUre tHe PeOplE aRoUnd Us ReAlly ApPreCiaTed It.


Tatum said...

You girlies are so cute! It is so wonderful you are all such good friends after all these years. I have the best memories of all of you...!

Rydgd said...

MY GIRLS!!! I was just reflecting the other day how COOL it is that I'm still 'in touch' with so many of my Laurels! Y'all are GORGEOUS! I love ya! (Tell Randa she needs to invite me to her blog:)

Chelsea Francis said...

So fun! I love girls nights out!

Jennifer said...

Awww, I miss you girls!! All of you are still so beautiful! Glad I found you and your blog! You two are such a cute couple!