Friday, September 5, 2008

I Love Fall Colors

We had our builder coming out this morning to fix things on our home that had been left unfunished so I decided to take the time to make this fall wreath. I have had my spring wreath up since March so it was time for a change. I love the fall and winter colors...I can't get enough of them and this cost less than $10.


Tatum said...

I love making wreaths!!! You really can't mess than up. (you know me!) I don't have a fall one! Thanks for the inspiration!

Can we get together next wee? We really didn't get the chance to catch up! What is your schedule like?

Eric and Breanna Graham said...

Ok seriously Love it. we definitly need to get together and craft sometime. You should start your own craft blog and then everyone can copy all your great ideas!

karis stapley said...

Sooo cute! I def. wish I was as creative as you! That reminds me, I better start getting my fall stuff out too. I've got my spring looken wreath up still too.

Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!